
Monday, September 10, 2012

Kung Pao Beef

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf

Kung pao beef is one of my favorite foods! This is the closest I've gotten to making it restaurant style.  I think the key is marinating the beef and lots of peanuts. Served best with jasmine rice.

3+3 tablespoons gluten free soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon white cooking wine
2 cloves minced garlic
1 lemon
2 teaspoons corn starch
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 dried red peppers
1/4 cup dried peanuts, chopped
1/8 cup dried peanuts, halved
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 tablespoon peanut oil
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
1 lb beef flank


Step 1: Cut beef into bite sized pieces. In a gallon ziploc bag add beef, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, sesame oil, and cooking wine. Seal and let marinate for 30 minutes. 

Step 2: In a small bowl combine 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 cloves minced garlic, the juice from 1 lemon, corn starch, sugar, and salt. Stir and set aside.  

Step 3: In a large skillet or wok add 2 tablespoons canola oil, 1 tablespoon peanut oil, 1/8 cup halved dried peanuts, and dried peppers. Fry on medium-high heat for 3-5 minutes, longer if you wish the beef to be extra spicy.

Step 4: Add beef, onion, and chopped peanuts to the skillet. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes.

Step 5: Pour sauce from the small bowl over the beef in the skillet. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until sauce is thickened and bubbly. Serve over jasmine rice.

Serves 4.

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