"Imitation cannot go above its model." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
But I just didn’t like something about them, and I
couldn’t figure out what. The sauce was decent, they were cooked just right,
and the dip was filled with oniony goodness. I should have been thrilled with a
successful new recipe. But something was wrong.
Then I realized it.
They weren’t chicken wings.
I was expecting to eat chicken wings.
The search for more vegan/vegetarian recipes has
brought me back to a food trend that I’d almost forgotten about: imitation
everything. You see, this ain’t my first imitation rodeo. I went through this
trend when I went gluten-free.
When I first was diagnosed with celiac, I tried to
make imitation everything. Imitation gluten-free bread, imitation cake,
imitation pancakes, imitation, imitation, imitation. Some recipes were
successful, some sucked more than Edward on Bella’s face.
But I learned something very quickly: making “fake”
versions of the foods I loved would never taste exactly the same, and trying
over and over was frustrating. It usually led to me missing those foods that I
couldn’t replicate even more.
I realized that if I was going to make a huge
dietary adjustment, my food based happiness was going to stem from learning to embrace
the foods I could eat. I think this is true for vegan/vegetarian eating as
Imitation meat. Imitation protein crumbles.
Imitation cheese. Seriously, have you tried imitation cheese? I’m going to
follow the old truism here--if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything
at all.
I’m tired of seeing fruits, veggies, and legumes
that are smashed, shaped, and forced into trying to taste like something they’re
not in the name of imitation. All these foods have natural flavors that should
be celebrated, not hidden to try to create something artificial. After all, embracing
and enhancing the natural flavors of your ingredients is what makes for the
greatest recipes.
That’s not to say that there aren’t excellent
imitation foods and recipes out there. In fact, I know there are, and I
certainly appreciate them. The world would be a much bleaker place without
gluten-free brownies. But I’m just saying, if you make a piece of cauliflower and
cover it in BBQ sauce and expect it to taste exactly like a chicken wing,
you’re likely to be disappointed. But if you embrace it as cauliflower, you can
really appreciate what you’re eating.
Instead of trying to make an “imitation
wing,” why not try to make the best damn BBQ cauliflower out there?
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